Thursday, August 2, 2018


Some days it seems all you can do are the little things.  BUT, they add up! I've always struggled to keep up on the little things.
   And that's OK. I keep trying and start again.
   It's not how many times you fall, it's how many you get back up that matters.

   Sigh, which is why I'm on here. To stay accountable to the little goals.

   So that brings me to the first little goal I have... No electronics after 9 p.m.  Do you ever find yourself thinking, I'll just check Facebook really quick and find it's been 4 hours? No???
It must be just me.... Just kidding. I know I'm not the only one. 
I've been reading over at A slob comes clean... And the idea she had of non- negotiables just clicked for me. A non negotiable goal that you do every day... I choose to be successful.
Want to join me in a goal you are working on? Feel free to comment.

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